Deadline is January 22nd for nominations for the 2nd Annual Bill Duesing Organic Living on the Earth Awards

This award is for a recipient who has demonstrated the advancement of organic living on our earth with a project, innovation, action or lifestyle that supports the continuation of the life work of Bill Duesing – for all to live on this earth in a society in harmony with nature. The accomplishment must contribute to the advancement of organic living in Connecticut in a demonstrable way and be a current or recent accomplishment that reflects Bill’s devotion to organic living and his wish that this critically important work be continued by his friends and colleagues. Award recipients can be one of the following:
• Organic farmer/farm (example: added new revenue sources to secure the farm’s future; expanded availability of organic food in the community)
• Organic land care professional /business (example: transitioned from conventional to organic land care)
• Organic advocate (example: spearheaded a change in their local school system, or worked to promote organic legislation)
• Organization (example: farmers market became 100% organic; the advancement of farmworkers’ rights; created organic-based social media group)
• Educator (example: developed new ways to add organic food and agriculture to school curriculum)
• Mentor (example: developed process for passing along organic knowledge and skills to new farmers or land care professionals)
Award recipient(s) will be recognized during the Keynote Session at CT NOFA’s 2020 Winter Conference on Saturday, March 7th at Wesleyan University in Middletown.
Click here to nominate
Click here to print mail-in form
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