CT NOFA > Resources > For Farmers

For Farmers

Getting Organic Certification

A Certified Organic Farm is in compliance with the National Organic Program (NOP) standards, and has been inspected and certified by an accredited USDA certifying agent. Products have been grown/raised without the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, growth hormones, irradiation, or genetic engineering. The certification process is rigorous and requires extensive record-keeping, payment of an annual fee, and an annual inspection. Note: The NOP allows farmers who sell less than $5,000 worth of organic produce per year to call their produce “organic” if they follow the national standards. Yet, this produce is not certified organic.

Without an organic label, it can be hard for shoppers to know how the farm has produced the food thier plates. For this and many other reasons, CT NOFA recommends you become a certified organic operation. For example, you would then be counted among the nation’s farmers who are leading the way to organic – the most ecologically-sound farming paradigm. Also, the organic certification process and your farm’s certifiers often share useful new business practices, too. It is easier than you think!

USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)

Provides cost share for farm improvements, including deer fencing, wells, compost pads, forestry practices and more.

Cornell University Farming Resources (NY)

  • Cornell Guides & Resources for NY Farmers
  • On-Farm Poultry Slaughter Guidelines
  • Cornell’s buckwheat and beneficial insects to control Colorado Potato Beetles study
  • Cornell’s Northeast Beginning Farmers Project

Leasing From Land Trusts To Farm Upon

  • Farmland conneCTions – A Guide for Connecticut Towns, Institutions and Land Trusts Using or Leasing Farmland
  • Equity Trust: local land trusts and others to preserve the affordability of farms for farmers

Urban Farm Business Plan Handbook

from Partnership for Sustainable Communities


Cultivating Tourists on the Farm

Solid Ground Farmer Trainings (UCONN)

  • videos, fact sheets, CSA set-up info, and more – click here.

CSA Toolkit for Connecticut Farmers

Getting Started; Pricing; Best Practices; customers; annual prices for CSA shares in CT.

Finding Land To Get Started Farming!

New Farmer Bucket List (UCONN)

Key Resources for New and Beginning Farmers in Connecticut. Collaboratively compiled by CT’s top agriculture service providers.

Local Poultry Resources

Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SARE)

Grants and Education to Advance Innovations in Sustainable Agriculture

National Center for Home Food Preservation

source for current research-based recommendations for most methods of home food preservation.