The core of CT NOFA’s work is our Programs – ranging from long-standing efforts like our Organic Land Care Program and its search directory to newer offerings, such as our Farm Share Program. Our programs move us closer to a healthy, organic Connecticut founded on ecologically, socially, and economically just principles.
The Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP) connects transitioning farmers with farmer mentors, hosts community building opportunities, creates technical assistance resources, supports the organic workforce through training and education, and promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion in the organic sector.
CT NOFA’s Farm Share Program reduces the cost of a local CSA (community supported agriculture) share for individuals in need of financial assistance, while ensuring farmers are fully paid. A CSA is a subscription (usually weekly) from a farm for a regular supply of farm-fresh veggies, dairy products, meats, bread, and more. Curious about this direct-to-consumer model?
Dangerous levels of carbon in Earth’s atmosphere derive not only from burning fossil fuels, but also from land use changes. Estimates suggest that agriculture is responsible for one quarter of greenhouse gas emissions globally. Farmers can and must be part of the solution to climate change.
Organic Land Care is a sustainable ecological landscaping system that promotes and enhances biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil biological activity. The NOFA Organic Land Care Program works to foster professional competency in the area of organic landscaping and protect the public interest in responsible use of land care products and land resources.
The Beginning Farmers Program features our Farmer Circles, which are peer-to-peer learning communities for farmers interested in sharing obstacles and strategies in a small, semi-structured, supportive environment. Each project year, farmers will join a circle focused on a topic or issue that interests them and explore this topic together.
Connecticut's changed landscape poses a threat to the food production that remains in farms and gardens. We must restore native habitat to safeguard our food system. The Ecotype Project exists at the intersection of farms, gardens, land trusts, and public lands: we aim to increase the number of native plants growing in our region.
A Certified Organic Farm is in compliance with the National Organic Program (NOP) standards, and has been inspected and certified by an accredited USDA certifying agent. Products have been grown/raised without the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, growth hormones, irradiation, or genetic engineering. The certification process is rigorous and requires...
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Memberships are available for individuals, farms, families and others committed to ensuring the growth and viability of organic agriculture, organic food, and organic land care in Connecticut.