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NOFA/MASS Hosts: Monthly Min Till Farmers Call


Join NOFA MASS for a chance to chat with fellow farmers and farm advisors about tillage reduction and soil health in an open, roundtable environment. The Monthly Min-Till Farmer Call…


Winnow Wizard Seed Cleaning Workshop with Bill Braun

The Hickories 136 Lounsbury Road, Ridgefield

Bill Braun is a farmer at Ivory Silo Farm in Westport, MA, growing organic vegetables, herbs, flowers, fruit, and seed. He is also the co-founder and executive director of Freed…

Winnow Wizard Seed Cleaning Workshop with Bill Braun

The Hickories 136 Lounsbury Road, Ridgefield

Bill Braun is a farmer at Ivory Silo Farm in Westport, MA, growing organic vegetables, herbs, flowers, fruit, and seed. He is also the co-founder and executive director of Freed…