3 events found.
Environmental Rights and Environmental Justice – A Discussion with Maya K. van Rossum
United Church on the Green 270 Temple St., New Haven, CT, United StatesMaya K. van Rossum, author of The Green Amendment, The People’s Fight For a Clean, Safe & Healthy Environment will be touring Connecticut to talk about her new book, the…
TOPP Virtual Info Session
OnlineCalling all farmers who would like assistance transitioning to or seeking organic certification to come learn more about the Transition to Organic (TOPP) Mentorship Program! In addition to presenting information…
“Common Ground” Showing, Featuring CT NOFA Panelists
Fairfield Theater Company 70 Sanford St., Fairfield, CT, United StatesOn November 17, the Fairfield Theater Company will be hosting a free screening of Common Ground. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-M4Hq0MKFA Common Ground is the highly anticipated sequel to the juggernaut success documentary, Kiss…