Troy Bishopp

Troy Bishopp is the original “The Grass Whisperer” who is a relentless advocate for grass-based systems in the Northeast. He manages Bishopp Family Farm in Central New York, utilizing a hundred acres of integrity-managed pastures that finish beef animals, feed diverse possibilities, and nourish the local community. With over 40 years in the field, he practices the art of “Linger Grazing” where he observes the little things and how they effect the bigger things on the journey to optimize happiness.

He is the new Northeast National Grazing Lands Coalition Resource Manager. In this role, he works from the ground up with farmers, to meet the needs of Northeast graziers from beginning to novice, form working lands partnerships and farmer grazing coalitions that accelerate grazing management education and adoption.

He’s also a media communication trainer, free-lance writer, and timely photographer for local, regional and national media outlets.