NOFA/MASS Hosts: Monthly Min Till Farmers Call
November 1, 2021 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Join NOFA MASS for a chance to chat with fellow farmers and farm advisors about tillage reduction and soil health in an open, roundtable environment. The Monthly Min-Till Farmer Call will be the first Monday of each month. No pre-registration required, this will be a free-form space with minimal moderation & with the goal of farmers being able to pose questions to each other and share resources, suggestions, and ideas about tillage reduction.
Some of these meeting will start with a brief presentation from one of the farmers in the group about their own farming practices. The ‘host’ may step in with questions for the attendees to keep the conversation going.
Notes and recordings from prior calls are available on our running Min Till Farmer Call Meeting Notes document.
For more information and a ZOOM link CLICK HERE