2022 CT Compost Series Tour #3: Large/Municipal Scale Composting Tour
May 21, 2022 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Learn about the efforts and challenges of two CT composting initiatives, a mid-scale and large-scale aerated static pile (ASP) compost systems. Common Ground High School and the City of West Haven use similar compost systems, but with different scales, technology, and goals.
Common Ground is a charter high school, summer camp and farm site that composts food scraps, animal bedding and manures and farm waste. It has a concrete in vessel ASP composting system with the capacity to handle 480 cubic ft (18 cubic yards) of feedstock mix per week.
The city of West Haven has composted their leaf and yard waste for years and is now working towards expanding its operation by adding food scraps from schools. Atlas Organics is running a 631 cubic yard capacity ASP system as a pilot demonstration for municipal level composting.
REGISTER HERE: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2022-ct-compost-series-tour-3-largemunicipal-scale-composting-tour-tickets-304917084207
More info on location times and directions will be shared with attendees via email prior to the tour date.
The tour is FREE but support is appreciated! Please give at patronicity: https://www.patronicity.com/project/ct_compost_alliance_2022_webinar_tour__video_series#!/