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CT NOFA > Events > Safely Selling Local Food at Farm Stands and CSAs during COVID-19

Safely Selling Local Food at Farm Stands and CSAs during COVID-19

May 6, 2020 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 2020 – 12:00PM TO 1:00PM

This webinar comes from NOFA Vermont, who have come up with a timely presentation for farms that are trying to figure out how to get their food ‘out there’. Many Vermont farms are heeding the call to feed their communities. They have adapted time and again to the evolving COVID-19 situation to ensure the safety of their food, customers, employees, and farms. They are even selling products from other farms, along with their own meat, dairy, produce, maple, etc. Join us for a discussion about COVID-19 best practices for farmstands and CSA models. Presenters from Vermont farms will give an update on the latest guidelines; whatever they are on May 6.

Presenters include:
Sara Armstrong Donegan and James Donegan from Trillium Hill Farm in Hinesburg: https://www.trilliumhillfarmvt.com/
Ashlyn Bristle from Rebop Farm in Brattleboro: https://www.rebopfarm.com/
Alissa Matthews from the Vermont Agency of Agriculture: https://agriculture.vermont.gov/
Bill Cavanaugh from NOFA-VT Farmer Services: https://nofavt.org/


May 6, 2020
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
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