CT NOFA > Resources > Classified and Community Board > Landscape Design Assistant

Landscape Design Assistant

Employer: Helia Land Design

Work Location: West Stockbridge, Massachusetts

Term of Employment: Full time

Compensation Range: $20-30 per hour depending on experience and time with the company

Duties / Responsibilities

A position is available for a full time Landscape Design Assistant.
This position is in person only, no remote accessibility.

We are looking for a full time, energetic, hardworking, physically fit, positive, and team-oriented person to join our team. Experience with native plants, gardening techniques, small machinery, organic land care practices, team management, organization, and communication is necessary.

Full time position working alongside the head designer. Looking for a positive and motivated person with knowledge of plant nomenclature and growing conditions both traditional and native plants. Drafting skills as well as familiarity with AutoCAD and Excel programs. Highly organized person with ability to manage multiple priorities and deadlines in a fast-paced environment while maintaining interpersonal skills and strong customer service.

• Personal commitment to the mission, goals and values.
• Ability to learn quickly and work in a fast paced and time sensitive environment.
• Ability to work both independently and in collaboration with colleagues.
• Ability to effectively handle sensitive and confidential information with maturity and discretion.
• Ability to use good professional judgment and communication with clients.

Desired Applicant Experience

  • AutoCAD, Excel, Microsoft Office, DropBox, Google Drive.
  • Experience and familiarity working with native plants to the Berkshire/Taconic Region.
  • Drafting experience.

How to Apply / Notes / Other Information

Email us at helialanddesign@gmail.com!